Wednesday, November 14, 2007

When Eagles cry

We're back in LA. Tonight is the last show of this first tour.

It's warm here (it was 88 in downtown LA yesterday) and it will probably be in the 80s for a couple more months.

Whenever I tell friends on the east coast about this weather they respond with "yeah, but you have smog" and "yeah, but you have earthquakes", like I was bragging. It's unnaturally warm and kind of annoying. The screen door is open like it's July. It's weird seeing Target mechanical deer and snowmen on crisp-dry brown lawns. The heat makes people crazy and confuses them into making bad decisions.

The biggest misconception about touring is that you get to actually visit the places you're traveling to. In reality you get to visit the clubs, the gas stations, the Super 8s and supermarkets of this country (any place that uses the word "super" at the start of their name probably isn't).

When you're driving for 8-10 hours a day the gas station convenience stores become the looked-forward-to midday activity. There's a strange comfort in knowing when you walk into a store items will be organized in a familiar way -- 16oz bottle of water in the fridge, peanut M&Ms at the front counter. Supermarkets also help out by displaying items together that we'll probably be bought together... the peanut butter goes next to the jelly, the deli meats next to the cheese, and so on...

And I'm always amazed at what you learn on the road. Everyone knows that doves cry, but did you know that eagles cry too? (again, my phone is such a POS that you can't see the tear, but know it's there).

Oh, what to do with all these tour pics.

1 band, 5 members, 5 cRaZy hats... coming this fall to the FOX kids network.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Target Center opening for the Stones

Food is the only thing that looks good on my phone, is that okay with you??

Deep fried PB&J at Beachland in Cleveland, and that's powdered sugar on top. It was freakin' awesome, thanks Kim.

Pumpkin curry at a Thai restaurant down the street from the 400 Bar in Minneapolis. Unclear whether they appreciated our sense of humor.

Cheese in North Dakota (loser).

Also in N. Dakota, a chance to trade in your old Deer Hides for a booey knife. By the way, not sure if everyone is aware of this but you can trade in Human Hunter Hides at the Film School shows for a free Hideout 12" vinyl or CD *your choice*.

Fan letter of the week!
Thanks Baardis! PS. Does that 50 include yourself?

I just wanted to say that I really like your music. I am a Norwegian and you guys are not so well known here (I imagine maybe about 50 people around the country have heard of you - which is very sad), but I 'discovered' you when searching through Mark Lanegan's music label, Beggars. If I had the power to get certain bands to play in Norway, Film School should have been one of them -- for sure!

The (maybe uninteresting) picture is me and a friend dancing. I usually dont like to dance, but if the music is good, and I have had anough beer, and there is pretty girls, I'm there!

Best greetings


And a blog about last night's show in Minneapolis... "This band sounded so good, they could have been rocking at the Target Center opening for the Rolling Stones." Good news for the Stones... we've been discussing playing shoegaze Bar Mitzvahs in the next few months, but would be available for some one-offs if the timing is right.